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Meerkat standing guard

The most trusted meerkats are those with impeccable reputations

23 August 2018

Small foraging animals often put their trust in high-ranking or old group members to watch for danger – but meerkats trust sentries based on reputation

A plane spraying crops

Exposure to insecticide DDT linked to having a child with autism

16 August 2018

Although DDT has been banned for decades in many countries, exposure to its breakdown products may be influencing whether mothers have autistic babies

montana sign

The fading American dream may be behind rise in US suicides

27 June 2018

Shrinking life chances plus lack of a social safety net may have left middle-aged Americans more vulnerable to suicide than peers in other rich nations

wine and meat

France going veggie would save 1m litres of water per person each year

10 September 2018

Nationwide conversion to vegetarianism in France, Germany or the UK would halve the amount of water needed to produce each country’s food

A brain scan of a healthy brain

We've cracked the brain's emotion code and it may help depression

10 September 2018

Eavesdropping on someone’s mood in real time is a major first step towards permanent brain implants to both detect and treat depression

Someone peeling an apple

Apple peel drug makes mice live longer by targeting a cause of ageing

9 July 2018

We’re beginning to understand the causes of ageing and how to reverse it – thanks to an extract from apple peel that helps improves strength in elderly mice

A toilet door

We've identified the brain cells that let you control urination

13 August 2018

We’ve all been there – desperately holding on for a toilet. Now the brain cells that help us do it have been identified, which may lead to new incontinence treatments

A cell infected with HIV

We can tweak immune cells to be much better at wiping out HIV

8 June 2018

Studying the immune cells of people who can keep HIV under control in their bodies has yielded new insights that might enable all people with HIV to do the same

The human liver

A whole new type of cancer therapy helps treat liver cancer

4 June 2018

By making a gene in the liver work harder, a completely new type of drug has shown promise for treating cases of advanced liver cancer in a small trial

Rice Farmer

GM golden rice gets approval from food regulators in the US

30 May 2018

The genetically modified rice, designed to prevent blindness in undernourished children, was judged safe to eat last week by the US Food and Drug Administration