Raising of the Kursk begins
9 July 2001
Divers set sail in the first leg of an ambitious mission to raise the sunken nuclear submarine from the Barents Sea
9 July 2001
Divers set sail in the first leg of an ambitious mission to raise the sunken nuclear submarine from the Barents Sea
5 July 2001
British Airways plans to start testing its supersonic passenger plane in the air with reinforced fuel tanks
31 July 2006
By embedding sneaky JavaScript code in a web page, an attacker can bypass a computer network's protective firewall, researchers say
3 August 2006
A new video painting tracks the expressions of onlookers and metamorphoses to match their emotions
7 August 2006
Identification cards incorporating RFID tags can be remotely spied on, jammed and copied, according to computer experts
18 July 2006
The motorised skates cancel out a person's steps, allowing them to explore a virtual landscape without leaving the spot
19 May 2006
Soldiers will use the lasers to dazzle drivers who fail to slow down at military checkpoints, but their use raises safety concerns
18 June 2001
A Russian company plans to launch rocket boosters that can glide back to base on extendable wings
19 June 2001
Astronomers reveal evidence of a monstrous black hole at the centre of a nearby galaxy
11 November 2005
A lawsuit is filed as several of its music CDs are found to install anti-piracy software that hides on computers, and can be exploited by hackers