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Cats are famously grumpy, but do they have facial expressions?

13 May 2020

What is your pet cat trying to tell you? Readers divine feline thoughts

Millions of us take drugs for high blood pressure – is it worth it?

Millions of us take drugs for high blood pressure – is it worth it?

13 May 2020

Hypertension affects one in four adults and is usually treated with medication, even though lifestyle changes can reduce blood pressure. Here's what you need to know


Kelp is coming: How seaweed could prevent catastrophic climate change

13 May 2020

From providing a green alternative to plastics to reducing methane emissions and sucking carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere, seaweed could be the secret ingredient we need to clean up our planet

We have seen hints of a new fundamental force of nature

We have seen hints of a new fundamental force of nature

13 May 2020

Multiple indications seem to be showing that something is manipulating the universe beyond the four basic forces we know – and we are starting to work out what it is

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Time to let fever run its course more often

13 May 2020

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We promote best practice certificates for aquaculture

11 March 2020

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Smartphones can be tools against tuberculosis too

11 March 2020

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Editor's pick - Face recognition's faults will bring death from afar (2)

11 March 2020

Meet Carlo, an ancient reptile who had part of his face bitten off

Meet Carlo, an ancient reptile who had part of his face bitten off

10 March 2020

A fossil of a predatory reptile from the dinosaur era is missing the front of its jaws, suggesting it was attacked by a rival that bit them off

Planet hits Earth

Oxygen in lunar rocks suggests the moon formed in huge collision

9 March 2020

A leading theory for the formation of the moon is that a planet called Theia smashed into the early Earth, but doubts remain. Now a new analysis of lunar rock supports this idea