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Lyme disease

A common disease spread by bacteria-infected ticks

By Gege Li

A male Lyme disease tick


Lyme disease is the most common vector-borne disease in the world – that is, one transmitted by bloodsucking insects – with around 300,000 reported cases a year in the US alone. It is passed on to humans by bacteria-infected ticks.

To start with, this can trigger flu-like symptoms including fever, headache and chills, as well as joint and muscle pain, but the tell-tale bullseye-like rash doesn’t usually appear on the skin until a few weeks or even months after infection. However, about 20 to 30 per cent of people don’t get the rash at all.

Ticks are quite common and, for the most part, harmless. It’s only when they’ve fed on an infected animal that their bite becomes more than just an itchy nuisance. The culprit is the bacterium Borrelia, part of a larger family that is also responsible for syphilis. Borrelia burgdorferi is the sole cause of Lyme disease in the US while in Europe and Asia two smaller strains also exist. Once passed on to humans by the tick, Borrelia survives by exploiting our immune system: the body’s response is to trigger inflammation which is what results in the disease and, sometimes, the characteristic rash.

Lyme disease is most common during the summer when the ticks’ usual habitats of woodland and grass become a choice spot for dog-walkers and picnickers. The tick life-cycle also kick starts in warmer weather making it harder to spot the tiny insects that haven’t yet grown to adult size. A study in England and Wales found that the disease is more likely to affect white women in more affluent, rural areas, though researchers emphasised that anyone exposed to ticks is at risk. And as climate change continues to raise global temperatures, Lyme disease is set to become a bigger threat, though even now there are probably more cases than we think.

Bearing in mind the patchy physical signs and that symptoms imitate that of other diseases, it can be hard to spot when someone might actually have Lyme disease.

That’s a real cause for concern because there can be serious health risks if it isn’t caught and treated early with antibiotics. Neuroborreliosis, a condition of the central nervous system, can develop when Lyme disease persists long-term. This can cause all sorts of complications including facial paralysis, memory and sleep disorders, nerve damage to the arms and legs, and reduced cognitive ability.

On the flip side, Lyme disease-like symptoms could be a different condition entirely. Chronic fatigue syndrome, for example, mirrors some of the symptoms of long-term Lyme disease including pain and difficulty remembering things. That means that people could be taking the wrong medicine – a health issue in itself.

Tests to accurately match people’s symptoms to Lyme disease have emerged, yet we still lack an effective vaccine.

In the UK, the National Health Service recommends taking precautions against tick bites when you venture outside. Simple measures like covering bare skin, wearing insect repellent and steering clear of long grass can be enough to ward off infected ticks.