Computer illustration of plasma cells (B-cells, orange) secreting antibodies (white) against viruses (blue)
Juan Gaertner / Science Photo Library
Antibodies are Y-shaped proteins produced as part of the body’s immune response to infection. They help eliminate disease-causing microbes from the body, for instance by directly destroying them or by blocking them from infecting cells.
Antibodies work by recognising and sticking to specific proteins, such as those found on the surfaces of viruses and bacteria, in a highly specific way. When the body encounters a microbe for the first time, immune cells produce antibodies that specifically recognise proteins associated with that particular microbe.
After recovering from an infection or receiving a vaccine, a small number of these antibody-producing immune cells usually remain in the body as memory cells, providing immunity to future infections with the same bug. Because memory cells and antibodies are already present, next time the body encounters the same microbe, the immune response is much faster and can stop the infection from taking hold.
Antibody testing
Antibody tests – also known as serological tests – take advantage of the microbe-specific antibodies that remain in the blood after a person has recovered from an infection. Blood samples can be tested for the presence of microbe-specific antibodies by mixing them with proteins from the relevant microbe, called antigens. If there are specific antibodies present in the blood sample, they will stick to the antigens.
Because it takes a while for the body to generate antibodies against a new microbe, it is only possible to detect antibodies in the blood from about two weeks after infection onward. This means antibody tests cannot detect infections at an early stage. Instead, antibody tests can provide a useful way of determining whether or not someone has had a particular infection. Commonly used examples are HIV and hepatitis B tests.
Therapeutic antibodies
The ability of antibodies to specifically bind to certain proteins means they can also be used as therapies in some cases. For example, antibody therapies, such as checkpoint inhibitors, are already used to treat a number of cancers. Checkpoint inhibitors are antibodies that stick to and block the actions of proteins called checkpoints, which would otherwise suppress the body’s immune responses to the cancer cells.
In some cases, antibodies from humans or animals that are immune to an infection can be given to people as a treatment, although producing antibodies in sufficient quantities can be challenging. Rabies can be treated by giving people human rabies antibodies, called human rabies immunoglobulin.
Giving people antibodies provides passive immunity because the person receiving the antibodies is not immune, but is temporarily protected by the antibodies they receive. Passive immunity occurs naturally during pregnancy, when maternal antibodies are transferred to the foetus through the placenta. Maternal antibodies are also transferred to babies through breastfeeding.
Antibodies that cause harm
Antibodies that recognise the body’s own proteins, instead of proteins from infectious microbes, can cause harm. In autoimmune diseases, such as lupus, multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis, people produce antibodies that stick to their body’s own proteins and attack healthy cells.
Allergies involve a special class of antibodies called immunoglobulin E (IgE). When these antibodies detect allergens, they trigger immune cells to release histamine and other inflammatory molecules, which can cause the nasty symptoms associated with allergic reactions.
Other uses of antibodies
Because of their unique ability to recognise and stick to specific proteins, antibodies are commonly used as a tool in biomedical research, for example to identify whether a particular protein is present in a sample or to find out where a specific protein is located within a cell.