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Strange water wave can bounce a droplet thousands of times

A single undulating wave can bounce a droplet of water up and down for up to an hour and a half. Researchers made the discovery by accident when studying how wave patterns emerge in water

By Karmela Padavic-Callaghan

16 February 2023

A bouncing water drop

A bouncing water drop

Camila Sandivari et al.

An unusual kind of water wave can repeatedly toss a water droplet into the air thousands of times without breaking it.

For the past decade, Nicolas Mujica at the University of Chile and his collaborators have been studying how wave patterns emerge on the surface of water when it is shaken or otherwise disturbed. Recently, they made the accidental discovery that, under the right conditions, a wave can bounce a droplet of water up and down thousands of times in a row.

The finding came while Mujica …

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