South Wales police have been using face recognition technology L.IBERTY
The first legal battle in the UK over police use of face recognition technology will begin today.
Ed Bridges has crowdfunded action against South Wales Police over claims that the use of the technology on him was an unlawful violation of privacy. He will also argue it breaches data protection and equality laws during a three-day hearing at Cardiff Civil Justice and Family Centre.
Face recognition technology maps faces in a crowd then compares results with a “watch list” of images which can include suspects, missing people and persons of interest. Police who have trialled the technology hope it can help tackle crime but campaigners argue it breaches privacy and civil liberty.
South Wales Police first used face recognition during the Champions League final week in Cardiff in 2017.
Bridges says he was scanned by the technology at least twice — once while at a peaceful anti-arms protest and once while doing Christmas shopping.
South Wales Police have used facial recognition technology “on around 50 occasions,” says campaign group Liberty, who represent Bridges.
Ed Bridges is challenging police use of face recognition in court L.IBERTY
Freedom of information requests have shown that South Wales Police’s use of face recognition technology “resulted in ‘true matches’ with less than 9 per cent accuracy” in the first year, says Liberty.
The force said it would not comment until the judicial review is finished.
The Metropolitan Police have also trialled the technology several times in London. A video of a man being issued a £90 fine after covering his face from the cameras has been widely criticised online. Although it is not clear if he was fined for refusing to have his face scanned or due to the altercation he had with officers.
The technology has also been tested throughout the US. A recent report from researchers at Georgetown University found that there were “no rules when it comes to what images police can submit to face recognition algorithms to generate investigative leads.”
As a result, when the New York Police Department found they couldn’t get any matches with an image they had of a suspect, officers tried inputting an image of actor Woody Harrelson instead, as they thought he looked similar.
Earlier this month, officials in San Francisco voted to ban public bodies from using face recognition systems as some campaigners branded it “Big Brother technology”.
Face recognition technology
How does it work?
Technology trialled by the Metropolitan Police in London uses special cameras to scan the structure of faces in a crowd of people.
The system — called NeoFace and created by Japanese firm NEC — then creates a digital image and compares the result against a “watch list” made up of pictures of people who have been taken into police custody.
Not everybody on police watch lists are wanted as they can include missing people and other persons of interest. If a match is found, officers at the scene where cameras are set up are alerted.
Why is it controversial?
Campaigners say face recognition breaches civil rights. Liberty said scanning and storing biometric data “as we go about our lives is a gross violation of privacy”.
Big Brother Watch, a privacy and civil liberty group, said “the notion of live facial recognition turning citizens into walking ID cards is chilling”. Some claim the technology will deter people from expressing views in public or going to peaceful protests.
There is also evidence that face recognition is least accurate when it attempts to identify black people and women.
What do the police say?
The Met says its trials aim to discover whether the technology is an effective way to “deter and prevent crime and bring to justice wanted criminals”.
“We’re concerned that what we do conforms to the law, but also takes into account ethical concerns and respects human rights,” the force said.
South Wales Police Assistant Chief Constable Richard Lewis has said: “We are very cognisant of concerns about privacy and we are building in checks and balances into our methodology to reassure the public that the approach we take is justified and proportionate.”