Our ancient origins may determine our lifespan J. Scriba/Plainpicture
FOR billions of years after they first arose, living cells stayed simple. But as oxygen levels climbed, these cells began to exploit it to get more energy. Many began to evolve in the same direction, becoming larger and more complex. Some grouped together to form animals, plants, fungi and so on. These complex cells may look similar, but their genes show they evolved independently on many occasions.
Except this is exactly what did not happen. Complex cells evolved just once. All those countless trillions of simple cells evolving away for billions of years, and yet they stayed simple, with just a single exception.
This is very peculiar when you think about it. For biologist and writer Nick Lane, it is one of the really big mysteries about life he looks at. Others include: how did life first evolve? Why do we age? What is life like on other planets? Why did sex evolve? Why are there usually two sexes? How do new species arise? Why do up to 40 per cent of human embryos die before women even realise they are pregnant? How did we come to live twice as long as our great ape cousins?
These may seem like unrelated questions, but for Lane they are all intimately and inextricably linked. With the help of his long-term collaborator Bill Martin and others, Lane has been developing a grand vision of where and how life began, and why it evolved in the way it did. What’s more, he thinks the “gene-jocks” will never answer these questions by studying genomes and the like. Instead, we need to focus on what drives life: energy.
Living cells are powered by a totally unexpected process. The energy from food is used to pump protons across a membrane to build up an electrochemical gradient. This gradient drives the machinery of life, like water from a dam driving a turbine.
“The ‘gene-jocks’ will never answer questions about life by studying genomes and the like, says Lane”
And Lane argues that life has been powered by proton gradients from the very beginning. Forget all those primordial soups or “warm ponds”: only the natural proton gradients found in undersea alkaline hydrothermal vents could have provided the continuous flux of carbon and energy that life requires. These vents may be common on rocky planets so, if this reasoning is correct, simple cells should be too.
It’s the next step that is tricky. To become more complex, cells need more membrane to provide more energy. But the larger the area of membrane, the harder it is to keep control of the proton gradient – and losing control means death. So cells stayed simple. “There is no innate or universal trajectory towards complex life,” Lane writes.
“Forget primordial soups or ‘warm ponds’: only undersea vents could provide what life requires”
Not, at least, until something extraordinary happened: one kind of simple cell somehow started living inside another. Eventually, the first cell turned into the self-contained energy-producing structures we call mitochondria. This Russian-doll arrangement meant cells could get more energy simply by making more mitochondria, allowing them to become much larger and more complex.
But learning to live together was far from easy. The first complex cells were forced to evolve features such as sexual reproduction and DNA wrapped up in a membrane to survive. In other words, the acquisition of mitochondria wasn’t just necessary for cells to become complex, it shaped their entire nature – and it still does. Our lifespans are determined by our mitochondria, Lane argues, but not because they produce free radicals, as we once thought.
It sometimes seems that there are few big ideas in biology any more, that it’s all about specialists crunching data. But this is a book of vast scope and ambition, brimming with bold and important ideas. I do hope some of them are wrong, because it’s disappointing to think that alien life consists mostly of slime, or that it will be very difficult to extend our lifespans beyond about 120 years.
The arguments are powerful and persuasive, however, and many of the ideas are testable. Lane is recreating the conditions found in alkaline vents in his lab, for instance, to see if they really can drive the kind of reactions life requires – and so far he reports positive results.
If you’re interested in life, you should read this book. It’s not the easiest, despite Lane’s efforts, but it does tell an incredible, epic story. That story starts with the dawn of life itself and takes us right up to the present day, to explain why we are the way we are.
The Vital Question: Why is life the way it is?
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This article appeared in print under the headline “The way we are…”