A hotbed of biology Matthew Dodd
Are we closing in on life’s cradle? What is claimed to be the oldest evidence of life on Earth yet found backs the idea that the first microbes originated around hydrothermal vents on the seafloor – but the work is already proving controversial.
Explaining the origin of life is one of the biggest unclaimed prizes in biology, and one that many scientists – including Nobel prizewinners – are chasing. The only thing we know for certain is that life must have popped into existence sometime between Earth’s formation 4.5 billion years ago and the appearance of the first undisputed fossils, about 3.4 billion years ago.
Most origin-of-life researchers base their theories on biochemical principles. But to seek direct evidence of life’s emergence, they must visit some of Earth’s last remaining wildernesses, including parts of Greenland, northern Canada and Antarctica. By chance these are the only places where Earth’s oldest rocks – and potentially fossils – can still be found.
Matthew Dodd at University College London and his colleagues have just finished analysing rocks collected from a region called the Nuvvuagittuq belt, in northern Quebec, Canada. The rocks here, on the coast of Hudson Bay, are at least 3.75 billion years old, and some geologists argue they are about 4.29 billion years old, which would mean they are just slightly younger than the planet itself.
Baked and deformed
Like all such ancient rocks, they have been heavily altered. At some point they spent time deep inside Earth, where temperatures above 500°C and extreme pressures baked and deformed them.
But geologists can still read clues that they formed at the bottom of Earth’s very early oceans. Significantly, they seem to preserve evidence of ancient deep-sea hydrothermal vents – just the sort of environment that many see as the most likely birthplace for life.
Dodd and his colleagues believe they have now found evidence of early life, in iron-rich rocks originally formed around relatively cool vents (less than 160°C). These rocks contain microscopic tubes and filaments made of iron oxide. Very similar structures, the researchers say, are formed by bacteria that live in mat-like colonies around modern deep-sea hydrothermal vents.
What’s more, the material close to the filaments includes carbon with an isotopic balance characteristic of biological processes, says Dodd. Some of that carbon is inside crystals of phosphorus-rich minerals, which also hints at early biology. “Phosphorus is essential for all life on Earth,” says Dodd. “As organisms die and decay it is released and it can then be incorporated into minerals.”
Taken together, the evidence points to one inescapable conclusion, he says: the very early Earth was home to microbes similar to those found around today’s low-temperature hydrothermal vents.
If confirmed, the conclusion would be significant for several reasons. It would potentially push the record of life back to 4.29 billion years ago, suggesting our planet was inhabited astonishingly early. Little more than a decade ago, the consensus was that Earth was still a molten mass so early in its history.
Geothermal power
More than that, it would show that life got going around deep-sea vents where organisms have to derive their energy from geothermal processes, since there is little or no sunlight. This would help bring the geological evidence in line with findings from genetic and biochemical studies hinting that life emerged in deep hydrothermal areas – and not in shallow, sun-drenched environments where most early fossils have been found.
“The strongest [fossil] evidence for early life currently comes from shallow water deposits such as beach sands,” says David Wacey at the University of Western Australia in Perth. “This study once again gets us thinking about a potential hydrothermal cradle of life.”
Wacey thinks Dodd and his colleagues’ evidence of ancient life is reasonably solid. “The individual lines of chemical evidence are not particularly strong, but put these together with the evidence from the filaments and one comes up with a pretty convincing biological scenario,” he says.
David Emerson at the Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences in East Boothbay, Maine, is more cautious. Emerson has spent many years investigating the biology of modern microbial mats. “You do get unique structures in these mat communities that are very easily identifiable as biological,” he says. “The problem is that when you go back in time it becomes harder and harder to interpret the evidence.”
Others are unconvinced by the new work. “I am frankly dubious,” says Frances Westall at the Centre for Molecular Biophysics in Orléans, France. “All kinds of reactions take place at [high] pressures and temperatures.” The filaments might simply be a curious by-product of those reactions and have nothing to do with biological activity, she says.
Martin Van Kranendonk at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, who co-authored a 2016 study on possible early life in 3.7-billion-year-old rocks from Greenland, is another firm sceptic. He says it “beggars belief” that fragile, microscopic structures could survive in rocks that have been subjected to high temperatures and pressures deep underground.
Westall draws a comparison with a mid-1990s claim by NASA scientists of possible signs of life in a 4-billion-year-old Martian meteorite. Again the evidence was in the form of interesting microstructures plus isotopic signatures consistent with biological activity. The findings were controversial from the start, and most scientists ultimately rejected them.
The claims by Dodd’s team cannot be summarily dismissed on first impressions, though. Wacey says many researchers will want to scrutinise the evidence in great detail before making up their minds. “It may be many years before a consensus is reached,” he says.
When dealing with “fossils” that may be 4.29 billion years old, it makes little sense to rush things.
Nature DOI: 10.1038/nature21377